Function D (EU Module 6.3)
For those who will not be performing regulated procedures under ASPA but will be performing Schedule 1 procedures.
This course follows the syllabus for EU module 6.3 - Humane methods of killing (a stand-alone module for those individuals who are only performing Schedule 1 procedures). This training is mandatory and should be completed before you start your practical training within the facility.
The course combines learning outcomes from the PIL course modules relating to legislation, ethics, biology, safe working practices and euthanasia. These learning outcomes are provided in the document below.
If you intend to perform regulated procedures as well, please look at the PIL course section on this website. If you complete PIL training, there is no need to complete this module as well, as all the learning outcomes are covered in the PIL A course.
The cost for this course is £72.46 for internal candidates and £73.94 for external candidates.