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University Biomedical Services (UBS)


Home Office PIL Courses

Courses are offered according to the type of licence you will be applying for and in the case of Personal Licences, the specific categories (e.g. PIL A, AB, ABC).

New Project Licence Holders are now required to complete PIL courses relevant to the work they will be undertaking (see above).

For more information please follow the link to the 'Contact Us'  section of this website.


Course Content

PIL Course A


1. Legislation.

2. Ethics and animal welfare.

3. Biology and husbandry of relevant species.

4. Handling and restraint of relevant species.

5. Animal care and management.

6. Recognition of wellbeing, pain, suffering or distress in the relevant species.

7. Humane methods of killing appropriate to the relevant species (theory).

8. Experimental procedures (theory).

PLUS Local procedures


PIL Course AB


All the elements of PIL Course A, plus:

9. Anaesthesia for minor procedures.


PIL Course ABF


All the elements of PIL course AB, plus:

10. Advanced anaesthesia - for prolonged use NOT involving surgery.


PIL Course ABC


All the elements of PIL course ABF, plus:

11. Conduct of surgical procedures

  • Principles of surgery
  • Common surgical procedures
  • Post-surgical care and monitoring

Application Form PIL Course

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