Home Office Courses
Before anyone can obtain a Personal or Project Licence from the Home Office, there is mandatory theoretical and practical training to complete. Our accredited courses follow the modular syllabus set out by the Home Office. Currently, all Home Office courses are delivered online.
Experienced scientists from Europe, with felasa accredited training, may be able to gain exemption from some of the modules, but this should be discussed with the Training Centre before applying for a course ubstraining@admin.cam.ac.uk. Due to the online delivery, it may be possible to complete the theoretical training before arriving in the UK.
For those individuals who are not intending to do any regulated procedures but will need to perform Schedule 1 methods, there is also mandatory training. The Function D course covers the syllabus set by the Home Office for this role.
Our PIL courses are accredited by FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations) for internal candidates only (at this time). Obtaining a felasa certificate does not involve any additional work on your behalf, but does incur an additional certificate charge. By having a felasa certificate, your training will be recognised in Europe and, if you are hoping to move to the continent at any time for work, having the certificate will potentially mean you will have to do less training in that country before starting your research.
If you wish to receive a felasa certificate, in addition to your UK certificate, please let the training centre know on application.
Please click on the course specific links on the left for more information.
IAT Courses
We also provide Levels 2 & 3 of the Institute of Animal Technology qualification, as distance learning or as class based learning.
The qualifications consist of:
Level 2 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Husbandry
Level 2 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science & Technology
Level 3 Diploma in Laboratory Animal Science & Technology
The full syllabus is available on the Institute of Animal Technology (IAT) website. Please click on the link to the right of this page.
CPD Courses
At the Training Centre we also provide courses focusing on Continued Personal Development (CPD). We provide training to aid in career progression and personal growth throughout your career in the research community. All our CPD courses are IAT approved and have IAT CPD points attached. These courses are run by an experienced team with a wealth of knowledge. Bespoke training to suit your needs is also available. Please contact our Training Centre for further information.