Best practice in Non-Animal Research Methods: 2025 Conference
hosted by Animal Free Research, Replacing Animal Research and The Humane Research Trust
This conference aims to bring together researchers from all career stages to share expertise and experience, showcase innovative technologies and approaches in action, and reflect on scientific progress that is helping to replace animal use across research and testing.
We're particularly interested in hearing from researchers in academia and industry working in areas such as:
- Animal-derived biomaterial replacement and advancing 3D models
- Cellular microenvironment
- In silico advances
We also welcome participants working in other areas of animal-replacement, including education, training and career development
Submission deadline has been extended to: Sunday 24th November 2024 00.00 midnight
- Instructions will follow if your submission is successful
- If your submission is successful, all speakers/poster presenters will need to pay a reduced conference attendance fee (Approx. £125 including 2 conference days plus evening reception/dinner) which covers the cost price of delegate attendance at the conference including food & drink
If you have any questions regarding abstract submission please contact