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Danish 3R Center

Initiate activities that may lead to the immediate implementation of the 3Rs.

Topic: "Three Rs"

EMBASE from Elsevier Life Science Solutions

Embase is a crucial resource for discovering biomedical evidence within published, peer-reviewed literature, in-press publications and conference abstracts.

Topic: Information on drugs and diseases

About Animal Testing- Alternatives
Topic: "Three Rs"

Norwegian Institute of Public Health

Researchers can apply for access to data from health registries and health studies, as well as biological material from the biobanks. Here you will find guidelines and electronic application forms.

Topic: Information on drugs and diseases

Dutch 3Rs Centre- Utrecht Life Sciences
Topic: "Three Rs"

US Food and Drug Administration (USFDA)
Topic: Information on drugs and diseases

The Nordic Pharmaco Epidemiological Network (NorPEN)

NorPEN is a network of researchers with the purpose of facilitating research within the field of pharmacoepidemiology in the Nordic countries. The website

Topic: Information on drugs and diseases

European Consensus Platform for Alternatives (ECOPA)
Topic: "Three Rs"

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