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IMPROVE-ing Animal Welfare in Experimental Stroke Research

Over the last two years, representatives from the UK’s stroke research community have been working, in a collaboration led by the NC3Rs, to improve the welfare and increase the scientific value of rodent models of stroke. The findings from the collaboration - The IMPROVE Guidelines (Ischaemia Models: Procedural Refinements Of in Vivo Experiments)  have been published in the Journal of Cerebral Bloodflow and Metabolism.

Topic: Cardiology

Liverpool University Vetschool Cardiology Department
Topic: Cardiology

Penn Vet School Cardiology Research
Topic: Cardiology

Journal of Veterinary Cardiology
Topic: Cardiology

Animal Research in Pediatric Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery Paper and Pediatric Journal
Topic: Cardiology

JACC: Cardiovascular Interventions Open Access Journal
Topic: Cardiology

Human Bone Models Invitro
Topic: Bone

Bone Cancer Research Trust
Topic: Bone

Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models Bone Biology in Animal models, Including Testing of Bone Biomaterials.
Topic: Bone

General Database Information

Humane Endpoints Website

Humane Endpoints Website is provided by 3Rs-Centre Utrecht Life Sciences, gives insight into the recognition and application of humane endpoints in rodents. The website contributes to refinement, the prevention of unnecessary suffering in laboratory animals, by offering information, videos and photographs of rodent species. In addition, the website provides free training modules (accessible after registration). The site is currently available in EN, NL and FR. DE and ES will follow soon.

Topic: Portals and Websites

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