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General Database Information

ANZARRT Resource Bank

Articles on the use of animals in research and teaching are featured on this site.

Topic: Teaching

ICLAS-Teaching and Training Resources
Topic: Teaching

ICLAS Scholarship Program for Veterinarians in Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine
Topic: Teaching

FLAIRE E-Learning

Interactive resources to support the training of laboratory animal research workers and to continue the professional development of others who work with laboratory animals.  

Topic: Teaching

LAS Training E-Learning

LAS Interactive brings together the free information portal vtk online and the training portal las campus. The website adresses researchers, students, competent authorities, trainers as well as technical staff at Universities, independent research facilities and the industry.

Topic: Teaching

Rabbit Ear Training Device

The rabbit silicone ear is a new training device for practising blood sampling and intravenous injection techniques in rabbit ear veins and arteries.

Topic: Teaching

Laboratory Animals-Education and Training
Topic: Teaching

The Interspecies Database

The Interspecies Database helps researchers to make an optimal choice of species and strain of the animal model, which is essential for efficient extrapolation of animal data to humans or other animals. Thee database has initially been developed by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) and the Dutch Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sports. It is offered by the 3Rs-Centre ULS in collaboration with the RIVM.

Topic: Information on drugs and diseases

Norecopa Films and Videos- Animal Procedures and Handling
Topic: Teaching